My Turning Point Happened After Being Diagnosed With Breast Cancer

Jun 5, 2012

Today’s story is written by Johnna Switzer, retired RN and Nursing Instructor at Mesa Community College. 

Service to others has always been a part of my life, from collecting toys and food boxes in Girl Scouts to being a member of the honorary women’s service organization at the college I attended. I have participated on boards and in doing service projects as an adult but after my “turning point” I have stepped up my efforts.

 The “turning point” in my life in regards to volunteering, probably came after I was diagnosed with breast cancer. That journey really gave me a time to pause and look back at my life reflecting on how fortunate I have been and all that had been given to me by my family, friends and community through opportunities and a strong education. It was then that I truly realized how important it is to give back and, in small ways, help others receive the same open doors and windows that I have received. I think many times we are given challenges in order to more fully open our eyes and look within ourselves as well as looking at the world from a different perspective. Service is to care.

In Johnna’s spare time she enjoys reading,crafting and volunteering with the House of Refuge Board of Directors as the board liaison to the staff and residents, and volunteering with the Gilbert Fire Department providing program support and as a member of their Community Emergency Response Team (CERT).
