AfterShare is a collaborative effort by former homeless residents of Prince William County Homeless Prevention Center that provides services and support for current and formerly homeless people.
The group began in 1993 and uses ex-homeless persons’ knowledge to support and share skills with current residents of the shelter. They also assist new members with donated food and household items and manage donated food and clothing at the prevention center.
Members of AfterShare meet on the first Saturday of each month to discuss issues facing each other and the program. Members dedicate their time on a monthly basis to various activities in Woodbridge, Virginia, where the shelter is located. Within the last two years, the more than 182 members have contributed more than 12,999 hours of service to different programs and agencies in the local community. The program has also extended its service to Project Mend-A-House and The Cooperative Council of Ministries.
In 1995, AfterShare Kids was organized by formerly homeless adolescents who also volunteer at the Center to help make homelessness more bearable for other adolescents.
Together with guidance from Volunteers of America Chesapeake's Homeless Prevention Center staff, AfterShare builds a community of support, friendship, knowledge and strength out of a common experience.