Ashley Hall
Ashley is a very dedicated and hardworking young lady. She is one of those individuals that you can give a task to and know it will be accomplished and done well. Ashley is very proud of her accomplishments and experiences at GCSU, and she represents the university and her sorority, Phi Mu, in a very positive manner. She has a very cordial personality, and handles any situation that is thrown her way.
Ashely has held many leadership positions within her sorority such as philanthropy chair and new membership director. By far Ashley Hall is head and shoulders above the rest. She is the cream of the crop when it comes to servant leadership. As you can see, Ashley has learned many transferable skills that she can use in many different experiences; such as commitment, dedication, work ethic, dependability, time management, fundraising skills, being a team player, organizational and communications skills. Ashley has worked with The GIVE center as a liaison to other groups that have done community service and volunteering. She has been a team captain for the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. She has participated in the reindeer run, blood drives and bowl for kid's sake. Ashley is not only very active with volunteering while she has been at GCSU but her short range plans are to go into the Peace Corp.
Ashley is on the executive board of the GCSU No Boundaries Club. This club helps to raise awareness and funds for people with disabilities as well as to educate the community and campus about people with disabilities. The reason this club was developed and created was because one in five Americans has a disability, making it one of the fastest growing populations and one that will touch each individual through their families, circle of friends, and work acquaintances in their lifetime. The members of the GCSU No Boundaries Club are passionate about the mission of Push America, "Building leaders of tomorrow by serving people with disabilities today:, and they have now adopted that as their mission. Not only will they be able to build lasting friendships and create awareness but also will help build confidence in the people they serve and the abilities that these people possess. The GCSU No Boundaries Club will help tear down the walls of stereotyping the special needs in our community. The No Boundaries Club is an umbrella organization for other organizations that are working with disabilities. They have planned an entire week of events, called No Boundaries in the Fall, around educating the campus and community about serving people with disabilities. This week consisted of speakers, fundraising, advocacy, movies and adaptive recreational sports. One of their biggest goals was to purchase a set of Kids on the Block puppets, which are puppets that have disabilities along with puppets that don’t have disabilities. They found a grand for $10,000 from the Governor's council on Developmental Disabilities, applied for it and received the total amount. This spring they will get started with their presentations to the school system.
Ashley is also a member of the Kids On The Block puppet Troop. Ashley has a great way of working with students and individuals. She is a very well respected young lady among her peers along with the university staff. Not only does Ashley work well with others but she also holds other leadership positions outside her sorority. Ashely is on the Campus Activities Board, Honors Program, Honors English Sorority, and other various organizations. Ashley is a role model to many other students. She works to develop their skills as well as her own. She realizes the importance of delegation and allowing others to excel. She also understands about wanting others to pick up the ball and keep it going when she leaves.