Diana Han Bowler

Daily Point of Light # 3616 Dec 13, 2007

Diana Bowler started volunteering with the intent to be closer to her daughters as they were growing up. She started her involvement with National Charity League-Diablo Valley, part of a national organization aimed at to foster mother-daughter relationships in philanthropic organizations committed to community service, leadership development and cultural experiences. Through the last eight years, Diana and her daughters Melissa and Danielle have worked for the town of Danville at the Halloween carnival, watered flowers at the local nursing home, reconstructed sidewalks for Habitat for Humanity and sorted food for the local Food Bank. They also prepared meals at their local Fishes & Loaves and helped run events to raise money for Children's Hospital and local schools.

By working side by side at various functions, they have developed an appreciation for each other’s strengths. They share memories of meeting a musician while delivering for Meals on Wheels who gave them a special piccolo concert, making quilts for premature babies for the local children’s hospital, sewing Christmas stockings to be stuffed with toiletries for the local homeless shelters, and shopping for Adopt-A-Families. Her daughters have learned to run their own monthly meetings, organizing their own events. Diana credits NCL in helping her raise her children to learn about themselves, giving them tools to be successful, and becoming caring, supportive people in their communities. Diana found her experience with NCL so rewarding that she began to volunteer her time with various ballet boards in her area. She helped them with expansion, business growth plans and budgeting.
