Lebanon Police Volunteers Johnson

Daily Point of Light # 4573 Aug 17, 2011

The City of Lebanon Oregon functions through volunteer and paid police support. Volunteers gain appropriate training and are a valuable addition to the police department and the Lebanon community. The volunteers are trained to assist various departments and enhance the capacity of state and local law enforcement in providing public police services. The work that they do is priceless, anytime the community is in need, a volunteer is always willing to step forward.

Carl Vandee who has been a volunteer policeman for the past 4 years explains reasons why he serves: “I’m passionate about improving people’s quality of life.”

The volunteer program is aimed at providing a supplementary and complementary rol,e not designed to have the civilians replace professional staff, but. The purpose of having volunteers is to provide the police staff with a trained citizens to assist various departments in providing public police services. Lebanon Police Volunteers have had a significant impact on the community.

Volunteers are provided with a positive experience, with an opportunity to give back and gain from their community; to break down barriers; and to open doors of communication between citizens and the police and gain meaningful experience and knowledge.

Currently the city of Lebanon has 12 civilian police volunteers who do a variety of jobs that save the city a lot of money. Volunteers help with administration in the police department, support the municipal court, enforce disabled parking, and provide general help within the community to serve various requests. In 2011 volunteers logged in over 1700 hours to the community of Lebanon.
