Richard Green

Daily Point of Light # 1195 Sep 2, 1998

In 1988, Richard Green and his 10 year-old son went to the Economic Opportunity Board of Clark County to voluntarily spend Saturdays with the seniors involved in the program. They played games, sang songs, did crafts and other activities involved in the Senior Daycare Program. As years passed and his son left, Mr. Green continued his involvement by playing games going to ball games, playing cards, and leading exercise groups for the program.

Mr. Green assisted in the initial planning and implementation of the Saturday programs, even though he was a single parent and student working full-time. He continues to conduct morning group socialization, which consists of one-on-one activities for the socially impaired and counseling. Over the past 10 years, Mr. Green's service has provided dignity, worth and active daily involvement to many cognitively and physically impaired seniors who might have otherwise been sent to long-term care facilities.

Mr. Green’s compassion was clearly evident in his relationship with Alice, a former resident at the Hollyhock Adult Daycare Center. For ten years, Richard and Alice played cards and talked every Saturday. They listened to each other's life stories and troubles. Mr. Green would often send her cards and letters. He shared her death as he shared her life, staying with her all hours of the night just to say goodbye.

In addition to his work at the center, Richard is actively involved with his church, serving as a Sunday school teacher, an usher and a Stephen's minister.
