Surprise Fire Department Crisis Response Program
The Surprise Fire Department Crisis Response volunteers provide immediate crisis intervention on calls dispatched by the Phoenix, Ariz. alarm room. They provide valuable support, information and referrals to people during crisis so the citizens of the community are not left alone to determine what to do after the immediate emergency services are provided.
Volunteers are dispatched on emergency related calls including fires, domestic violence, car collisions, and much more. The volunteers stay with the individual or family to provide services after the fire fighters and police officers leave, allowing first responders to be available to respond to the next emergency. It also provides a greater amount of customer service to the citizen.
The department also stays connected to the community by attending events at the school district, retirement communities, Chamber of Commerce, etc. to educate citizens about the program. For their dedication to their local communities, the Surprise Fire Department Crisis Response Volunteers are Daily Points of Light.