Labor Day 2012

On Labor Day and throughout the year, we celebrate our Nation's workers, and we commit to supporting their efforts in moving our economy forward. Labor Day has always been a time to remember and celebrate achievement. The United States Department of Labor describes Labor Day’s founding as “a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.” However for a lot of Americans, there isn’t labor to celebrate.
A large group of citizens who are facing employment challenges are our nation’s veterans. The HandsOn Network Community Blueprint is set up to help communities help veterans. Though veterans often acquire unique and valuable skills during their military service, they are disproportionately unemployed when compared to comparably qualified civilians. According to the most recent statistics released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the unemployment rate of post 9-11 veterans is 13.3 percent, compared to a non-veteran rate of 9 percent. Read more about veteran employment statistics.
Here are community solutions for military and non-military unemployed:
1. Give Job Seekers Opportunity by facilitating introductions. Help people network.
2. Help Job Seekers Market themselves by improving their online presence through Social Profiles.
3. Give Resume, Cover Letter, or Interview Counseling. Hold resume or mock interview workshops in your community.
Find more tools and resources for you community on the Community Blueprint page.
The “Give Labor Day” Initiative from Smart Recruiter urges everyone to take tangible, specific actions to help the unemployed and underemployed. Urge your community to combat unemployment, a challenge facing many of our nation's citizens.