Althea Greer is a wife, mother, and grandmother who works to share her knowledge, experience and wealth of compassion with anyone she meets. Greer has devoted more than 35 years of her time, energy and talents serving her Farmington, New Mexico community. Greer believes that Rabbi Harold Kushner was correct when he said, “Love is a muscle; the more you use it, the stronger it becomes.”
Greer has a long association with the Farmington Museum and has served as a Board Member since 1986. She has served as Chairman for fund raising events such as the Ice Cream Socials, The Red Apple Flyer, and Casino Night. While Chairman of the Budget committee, she was instrumental in keeping the organization solvent. In addition to being available for all the committee work, Greer has raised funds for acquisitions for the Museum, opened her home for the annual Board Seminars and picnics, and is always available for the job, no matter how large or small the task.
Greer has also been an active, contributing member of the San Juan Regional Medical Center Auxiliary since 1966. Her leadership qualities and determination to finish tasks and projects is an asset to the hospital. In addition to serving as their President from 1971-1972 and 1995-1996, she was instrumental in the creation of the hospital gift shop. She also directed fund raising events for the hospital.
Greer also works at The Hospitality House, a home away from home for patients and their families while receiving treatment at health care facilities such as the Cancer Center. She has dedicated hours of service to the Philanthropic Educational Organization that awards scholarships and grants for continuing education to women as well as being a faithful and active member of First Presbyterian Church of Farmington.
Althea Greer’s love of her community continues to grow and she continues to reach out with courage and commitment to causes there. She is not afraid to take risks and empower other to do the same through delegation and teamwork.