The 1990 Census states that approximately 14.3% of the population in Fall River, Massachusetts falls below the poverty line. The Fall River Community Soup Kitchen was established to provide hot, nutritious meals in a clean and safe setting for those in need. To accomplish its mission, the organization relies on the dedication and service of volunteers.
Gloria Desrosiers has been a part of the Retired Senior Volunteer Program in Fall River for many years. She understands the need of those in her community and takes a portion of her week to serve them and meet that need. Desrosiers works with the staff and volunteers to ensure the clients feel respected welcomed and have a warm meal.
Desrosiers works every Tuesday and Thursday at Fall River. On those days she cooks approximately 190 meals for those in her community who are less fortunate at the time. Her donation of time and effort equates to about 9,000 meals annually.
There is a direct and measurable impact of Desrosier’s service. Fall River has families receive hot, nutritious meals twice a week. Her work helps to give a boost to those who may have had to otherwise decide between eating and providing another necessity for themselves or their family. Hunger is a national problem in the United States and Desrosiers and other RSVP volunteers are helping to make a difference in Fall River.