From Tragedy Comes the Opportunity to Better Serve Our Nation’s Youth

A few weeks ago, Points of Light provided several articles and resources collected from voices of people both inside and outside of Points of Light speaking out about the tragedies of the last few months so that they might contribute to a larger narrative of unity and service in times of crisis.
Throughout the country volunteers are answering the call, lending each other a helping hand, and helping us all find answers for the sometimes uncomfortable questions that this violence raises. Several of our affiliates, including HandsOn Orlando, have been actively responding to injustice and disunity with a call to service.
A Points of Light partner organization, America’s Promise Alliance, the nation’s largest network dedicated to improving the lives of children and youth, is giving a voice to those whose voices sometimes go unheard in times of crisis — the children. Tanya Tucker, vice president of alliance engagement for America’s Promise Alliance, writes:
“We have a collective responsibility to embrace, listen to and support young people directly affected by violence and the countless others in our families, schools and communities indirectly affected. They need us now more than ever. All children deserve safe places to live, learn and grow.”
Tucker’s words serve as a passionate call to serve our nation’s youth. She is not alone; there are a variety of ways you can volunteer to support young people in your area.
Empower youth to reach their full potentials
The Boys and Girls Clubs of America are the leading organizations in the country dedicated to empowering youth to strive for academic and life-long excellence. Through a series of programs and service opportunities, the Boys and Girls club stimulates growth of children into responsible adults.
Help shape the future leaders of America
Combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun is a tradition of both the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America. These organizations provide young boys and girls with exciting extracurricular education opportunities as well as valuable leadership opportunities.
Be a role model for life-long success
At Big Brothers Big Sisters, adult role models are paired with children to foster powerful relationships that empower children to succeed.
Get involved in extracurricular youth enrichment programs
Summer enrichment programs provide essential growth and education during the warm summer months while kids are away from school. Find a camp near you and volunteer to be a counselor or help fill out camp staff in some other way.
Help young students achieve academic goals
Have a direct impact on a child’s education. Tutors can play an important role in the impact of education on a child’s life. Check with a school or after school program to learn how to get involved.
While her voice is one of many, Tanya speaks to a truth that applies to men and women on both sides of the partisan divide. Republican, Democrat; black, white; young, old; we must all be united in service to our youth. As Tanya says, “How we respond and support the young people around us won’t change what happened but could make a difference in how they navigate forward. Let’s be sure when we’re asked what about the children, we have a response we can all be proud of.”
Visit America’s Promise Alliance to learn more about the organization. To find immediate and exciting volunteer opportunities in your area, visit All For Good.