Unlocking Employee Civic Engagement: Beyond National Elections

Elections are the cornerstone of any democratic society. They provide citizens with the opportunity to take civic action by voicing their opinions, shaping the direction of their communities, and ultimately, influencing the policies that impact their lives.
While national elections receive a lot of buzz, it’s essential not to overlook the significance of local and regional elections. These are often the elections that truly affect an employee’s daily life. Help them be prepared to have their voice heard by ensuring they are empowered and educated through your company’s plans for nonpartisan election support.
At Points of Light, we join our friends and partners at Civic Alliance in the shared belief that every individual should be able to live their most civically engaged life, and voting is a main component of that. In fact, in Points of Light’s civic engagement research, 78% of respondents said voting would be more important than ever post-pandemic.
Employers can play a nonpartisan role by offering educational opportunities and resources to employees, providing ways to support a free and fair election process and, of course, by helping to get out the vote. Civic Alliance has created a 2023 Elections Toolkit that helps you as an employee community engagement leader develop plans to keep employees informed and prepared.
This toolkit includes a list of significant dates broken down by U.S. market, key messaging and suggested social media posts for external audiences, and even online resources to share with employees to ensure they’re ready to vote, whether that’s on Nov. 7, 2023, or throughout the year. Remind employees that all elections matter and so does their active participation.