Customized solutions help you strengthen your corporate employee volunteer and civic engagement program.

What We Can Do for You

Enhancing employee engagement for companies interested in giving back to their communities requires a serious commitment. Fortunately, we have the experience to guide you through this process and develop programs that will result in the highest levels of buy-in from your employees. Our proven employee engagement solutions have benefitted numerous organizations, and they can do the same for yours.

We begin by understanding what you want to accomplish and select the right type of project to fit. This ensures that you have everything necessary to enhance employee engagement from the outset. From there, we continue to take an active role in every aspect of your initiatives, providing problem-solving expertise as well as sound financial management to ensure no wasted resources.

We can boost your storytelling and make your employees front and center. This can be crucial to ensuring you increase employee engagement by creating good examples and encouraging coworkers to join in and contribute. At every step along the journey, we reassess how successful our efforts are with frequent employee surveys and other metrics. This means you will always be kept in the loop as to how strongly your employees are connecting with and buying into your charitable efforts. With our help, you can be confident that you will always have an abundance of the most critical resource for any volunteer or civic-minded effort — people.

If you want to learn more about this or any other aspect of what we do to help corporate entities become better neighbors, reach out and speak to one of our representatives today.


Whether you're ready to get started or you want to learn more about how Points of Light can take your organization to the next level, contact us so we can find the right solution for you.

Planning & Design

We customize small and large-scale volunteer and civic engagement projects by assessing key internal stakeholders, identifying local partners, and selecting and scoping projects.

Project Implementation

We manage all aspects of your project - ensuring seamless and consistent delivery through problem solving, issue management, multi-market contracting and financial management.  

Communications & Storytelling

We amplify stories of employee volunteering and civic engagement through marketing, PR, and social media while also amplifying the work of our local nonprofit partners.  

Reporting and Impact Measurement

We collect and analyze project impact data and prepare customized reports by utilizing employee satisfaction surveys, engagement measures and trends analysis.

Case Study

To celebrate its 100th birthday in 2021, Lowe’s envisioned a large-scale initiative to invest in the communities it serves with the goal of completing 100 local impact projects. Although Lowe’s already had ongoing CSR initiatives and a vibrant culture of volunteering, the company quickly came to understand that such a massive effort in such a short time frame would require additional reinforcements. Before engaging Points of Light, Lowe’s didn’t have a partner that had both the experience in managing partnerships with local nonprofits as well as the resources to accomplish this endeavor.

When it comes to making a positive impact on your community, you need all the help you can get. As a company, you already have a large array of resources, the most important of which being your employees. Encouraging your team to become active participants in your charitable efforts is critical to maximizing the good you can do.

It’s not as simple, however, as putting out a call for engagement. There are numerous reasons why your employees may be reluctant to participate in your civic engagement initiatives, and you will need a concentrated effort to overcome them and get the highest number of people to pitch in and help. As an expert facilitator of community-support initiatives, Points of Light has the expertise needed for improving employee engagement.