Doing Good Around the World
In Brazil, they’ve helped students reflect on their professional aspirations. In Pakistan, they’ve packed warm clothing, blankets and other necessities for people displaced by a recent earthquake. In the U.S., they’ve helped clean up a state park for everyone to enjoy.

Leading up to International Volunteer Day, Dec. 5, GE volunteers around the world are showing their commitment to their communities during the GE Global Month of Service – for which GE and Points of Light have come together to support and encourage GE employees to address issues that matter most in their regions.
“Our prime purpose in life is to help others,” said Hassan Mahmood, a GE volunteer who participated in the Pakistan earthquake relief project. Added fellow volunteer Khalid Ejaz, “The spiritual satisfaction is unmatched.”
In the U.K., GE volunteers are bringing science, technology, engineering and math – collectively known as STEM – to life for girls through the GirlsGetSET program, often using everyday, household items. One example: a challenge to build a system to control the flow of balls from one point to another.

“GirlsGetSET is something which I am particularly passionate about, being a female leader within the engineering industry – being able to promote our industry, seeing the girls learn new skills and myth-busting some of the stereotypical views,” said Denise Lawson, a GE planning and production leader.
STEM education has been a popular choice for GE volunteers elsewhere across the globe, including Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and the United States.
During a community service day at a high school in Bangalore, India, IT professionals volunteered to offer career advice to students and transform a ragged area of grass into a playground.
In the coming days, GE volunteers in six locations across the U.S. will assemble hundreds of care packages for military members stationed overseas.
Volunteers say the experience of helping others is one they treasure.
Kyle Jassoy, a project manager at GE, recounted volunteering with his colleagues at a community food program in Wisconsin called The Gathering.
“Our group was lucky enough to have some face time with Jim, the facility coordinator, who explained exactly what the program means to this community,” Jassoy said. “He had many stories that depicted daily groups of guests who were grateful to have warm conversations and shelter, which seemed to be just as important as the food. Honestly can’t wait to help this cause again.”