Prepare Your Family for Disaster and You Could Win a Prize
Disasters affect every community. Are you Good & Ready should something happen to yours?

Make a commitment to yourself and those you care about – pledge to be prepared. Let us know what you plan to do to get prepared, and share your pledge with others, encouraging them to take action, too.
Good & Ready, a Points of Light program, offers a host of resources that can help you get started. Here are some ideas:
- Create a family emergency plan.
- Build a disaster kit.
- Connect with local alerts and warning. There are several apps that provide weather notifications and emergency alerts. The American Red Cross has a series of apps for mobile devices that are hazards specific and provide real time updates during a disaster. To see what Red Cross apps are available for hazards specific to your area, visit
You’ll find the Good & Ready pledge form here. Good & Ready, a Points of Light program, offers a host of resources for getting prepared for disasters and emergencies.
If you take the pledge in April, you’ll automatically be entered in drawings for prizes. Daily winners each will receive a $5 Target gift card. Weekly winners each will receive a hand-cranked flashlight radio. All who pledge in April will be eligible for one of five LG Nexus 5 phones.