We believe that what companies recognize and celebrate is a direct reflection of their values. We will help you design and execute a recognition strategy from the ground up that shines a light on employee and company commitment to local communities.

How We Can Help You

We understand how crucial it is that everyone on your team feels appreciated and recognized for the good work they contribute to your volunteer programs. When you come to us to help you establish and manage your corporate recognition program, you gain a comprehensive approach that will ensure the highest levels of success for rewarding and recognizing your best and brightest.

We begin by taking a close examination of your needs. By analyzing any past attempts at company rewards and recognition programs and interviewing your team members, we can determine what shape yours should take for the future to give you the best chance at succeeding. We also take this time to gain insights about your organization’s values, as well as how strong your employee engagement is at the present time. From there, we begin to develop strategies that align with your goals. Whether by means of formal recognition or informal rewards, we help you find the ideas that work best for your internal culture and workforce.

We will work closely with you to develop an integrated plan that includes impact storytelling to make the most of your resources and bring the most complete approach. When we’re done, you and your employees will benefit from a program that honors those whose participation and contributions to your civic engagement gets the most out of your people. We have helped numerous organizations kick their campaigns into overdrive through highly effective rewards programs.

To learn more about how we can transform your recognition program into something that drives greater performance from your team, get in touch with us today.


Whether you’re ready to get started or you want to learn more about how Points of Light can take your organization to the next level, contact us using this form.

Landscape Analysis

Evaluate (through focus groups, interviews, and workshops) what has worked, what hasn’t, and what is needed for a company’s recognition strategy. This is also an opportunity to learn more about employee engagement, values, and interests.

Brainstorm & Ideation

Identify opportunities for informal and formal recognition strategies that meet the challenges identified in the landscape analysis.


Determine what is realistic for short-term and long-term recognition approaches.


Build a roadmap that will integrate informal and formal recognition strategies in a meaningful and authentic way.

Case Study

Disney Parks, Experiences and Products wanted its ticket donation program to have a bigger impact. They turned to Points of Light to help make that happen – and then some. Points of Light collaborated with Disney to design an entirely new program that invited nonprofits and schools to organize and report on family-friendly volunteer projects and, in exchange, earn Disney Parks tickets each year. This moved the legacy ticket program from a transactional model to an incentives-based one with the threefold effect of promoting good in communities, encouraging people to think differently about the act of volunteering and sharing magical Disney experiences with even more youth. Points of Light shaped the development of the program and drew upon our expertise to provide the guidance, tools, resources and positioning to turn something transactional into something transformative.

Motivation is a key component of your organization’s volunteer and charitable efforts. If your people are not sufficiently motivated, it can be difficult to keep your volunteering program moving forward and making a positive impact in your community. Although most people want to do good, your teams may need a little extra encouragement to honor their commitments and continue giving the most complete contributions. This is where the implementation of a successful company employee recognition program can make a tremendous difference. As the experts in promoting good corporate citizenship, Points of Light can help you establish corporate rewards and recognition programs that encourage your employee volunteers to do their best and inspire their coworkers to join them.

Contact Our Team To Get Started