Robert Fellows

Daily Point of Light # 4594 Sep 15, 2011

Robert Fellows is a volunteer member of The Masonic Angel Foundation (MAF) which provides modest assistance for children who might otherwise fall through the cracks of the social service system.
Typical recipients are children of working-class families that have suffered a financial setback or financial challenge they cannot meet on their limited income. MAF works with partner schools to preserve the child’s confidentiality. Requests are submitted by professional staff at the school to one of the local MAF volunteers. Since its establishment in 1998 MAF has opened 148 chapters in 12 states. All requests to the MAF are fulfilled within one business day.
In 2010 the Foundation added a new Laptops for KidZ (LFK) project which provides refurbished laptop computers to be sent home with children who do not have access to a computer at home. The Laptops for KidZ project has opened up a whole new universe of educational opportunity to disadvantaged children in the past 18 months. LFK has placed 219 computers since its inception at absolutely no cost to the school or recipient family.
Thousands of children in need of food, clothing, eyeglasses and other basic needs receive immediate assistance under a cloak of complete confidentiality. School staff is supported in doing their jobs by fast, efficient response to benevolence requests. MAF has provided Thanksgiving meals, holiday gifts and special program tuition to many children of the years. They assist with after-school and summer program tuition so parents can continue working. Robert’s service to the Masonic Angel Foundation is what makes him a Daily Point of Light.
