Solving the most pressing issues.

Being a Social Entrepreneur

Social entrepreneurs identify needs that have not yet been met by traditional institutions, structures or systems, and lead creative and innovative solutions that drive change. It’s not a role for everyone, but there are many ways for everyone to support social entrepreneurs in their community.

Civic Life Today Magazine

Social Entrepreneur

Social entrepreneurs get to the root of causes; they identify a need that has not been met by traditional structures and then work to solve it. In this issue, we explore who social entrepreneurs are, how they work and how you can support their efforts.
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Civic Life Today
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Resource Guide

If you’re not sure how to get started, our resource guide provides tips, tools and questions to ask yourself. From five things you need to consider, to additional resources for you to leverage and questions to help get you thinking, this is an easy way for you to get started and think about what to do next.

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Social Entrepreneur - Civic Life Today