At Home Service Project Ideas for Kids and Teens

While it’s difficult for adults to process the impact COVID-19 is having on the world, it can be even harder for kids. For active families who have canceled activities, school or are even quarantined, finding something to do to pass the time and feel good is so important. However, just because you’re not able to participate in your favorite service activity in person right now, doesn’t mean you can’t still give back.
Here are seven ideas that families and youth groups could do to not only keep youth engaged, but also help others both locally and around the world.
Spread cheer by sending cards for those who are serving in the military or in the health care field. Find great resources and tips on how to spread cheer to troops or write a letter to a solider.
Clean out your closets to find new uses for old clothing, towels and blankets. The Anti-cruelty Society is encouraging you to donate clean, used towels and blankets to an animal shelter to make a furry friend’s stay more comfortable. You can also use old towels, blankets or event t-shirts to make tug toys!
You can also turn old t-shirts into reusable bags. Pledging to utilize a reusable bag can have a big impact on your family’s use of plastic.
Learn about composting and build your own compost bin. If extra time on your hands means more time to clean out the refrigerator and cabinets, why not build your own compost bin? Here’s an easy project guide and additional helpful tips from the EPA.
Make birdfeeders. Using items around your home such as empty paper towel rolls and dental floss, you can make feeders for our flying friends using these tips from PBS.
Advocate for wildlife. Write letters to your local, state and federal government representatives to voice your concerns about issues important to you, including making sure our animal friends are protected.
Make your voice heard. There are many issues that are important right now, and making sure your local leaders know that you care is a good way to move things through government. Have an issue you’d like to address? The Advocating for Change project guide can get you started!
Make a video or post on social media about an issue you care about. Is there an issue you or your family would like more people to learn about? Make a video and posting it online for others to see! You can interview people via phone or video conference, collect information on your cause area, then post your video. Use #LocalLight to share how you’re taking action.
In light of COVID-19, the health and safety of all volunteers is our top priority. Please see our COVID-19 Action Plan to find resources and other ways to stay engaged and volunteer when in-person alternatives have been postponed or cancelled.
The Points of Light Youth Council, a collective group of youth across the country and the issues they are tackling, does the following:
- Advises on Recognition program design
- Increases the youth voice in Points of Light’s own work and across the country
- Support youth in developing their own programs and platforms
This year’s Youth Council is made up of five of our Daily Point of Light honorees: